Newsletter - October 2021
Dear One
Autumn is a time of change and the mind can become loudly busy.
Remember the silence is always there, even if the thoughts seem to invade your peace. Behind all the thoughts however intrusive they seem, the silence is there.
If we think we are having a bad day, we are thinking about ourselves.
If we think we are having a good day, we are observing.
We are what we think.
Do we hold onto attractive thoughts?
Even godly thoughts or thoughts of Higher Self pull us away from God.
God is in the present here and now. Thoughts are not.
When we practice with full attention on our posture our thoughts die down.
It is then that we come back to the omni presence.
The Next Long Wednesday
13th October 9.45am-3pm
Let me know if you are coming.
Zoom students too.
TT students – let me know if you would like to meet and talk from 9.15am.
For Wednesday morning students who have enrolled for the term it is £30 including lunch
Zoom students there is a break for lunch at 12.15 followed by a talk at 1pm.
The programme is on our website
TT’s please make a note of the next long Wednesdays:
3rd November & 1st December 2021
Next year’s dates are available on the website.
Reading Homework
Please read and absorb “Sanatan Dharma”;
Choose from Enlightened Masters – its on page 117 in “Presence”.
We can discuss this further on Wednesday.
For those that are reading the Gita, the first 6 chapters are the most helpful to us.
For new TT students, please read and familiarise yourself with the Eight Limbs of Yoga, page 114 in “Presence”
We will go over this on Wednesday 13th October.
Standing Postures
Keep your feet on the ground. As you earth down can you feel the exchange of energies through the soles of your feet (even on your mat)?
Keep the back leg strong and you will stay in the present/the centre. Rather than lunging forward into the future.
Jump onto your mat even if you feel you have not got the energy to practice.
The energy will come.
Breathe well