Newsletter - December 2021
Dear One
Christmas is a time for giving. How exciting it is for the recipient and a pleasure for the giver too.
Watching children open their Christmas presents is such a joy. Its seems most important to teach children to share and give away. When they do start to give to parents and friends, how delightful it is, although the presents are sometimes most inappropriate. I remember presenting an elderly aunt with a cake made out of blue playdough. She ate it!
Why not this Christmas time give yourself the gift of a practice, and a wonderful relaxation. Your friends and family may not notice you have disappeared for a spell.
It is a naturally law that whatever you give to the universe will come back to you, perhaps not quiet in the same way, but it will come back.
The most precious gift you can give anyone is your full attention.
Pure attention is synonymous with love.
Every year Iyengar would invite (or command) his teachers to attend an intensive retreat at his institute in Poona, India. Between classes students would wander in the street markets or join in a kirtan/chant. In the cool of the evenings we would be drawn into one of the plentiful curry houses by its delicious curry aromas.
The locals kept their doors open to reveal a row of standing figures joined by arms over shoulders, all swaying and chanting in time. We joined in, it was wonderfully hypnotic and relaxing.
It was a pleasure to talk to the locals, they would stop what they were doing and give their full attention. They were so open, looking out at me from their deep dark eyes. There was no criticism or judgement, just acceptance of what was said. They seemed to have all the time in the world.
This attitude was attractive and infectious.
Be open hearted.
You do have all the time in the world.
I know at this time ones feels there is little time to practice and I have found students skipping classes. This is just when we need the practice most, as yoga creates space in the mind and takes away the pressure of time.
Breathe well, lift your heart, have fun!
Love to you
Starting dates for next term:
Tuesday 4th January, 7.30pm – 8.45pm, Beaconsfield Hall, Shipton Under Wychwood, OX7 6BQ
Wednesday 5th January, 9.45am – 11.15am, Beaconsfield Hall (plus philosophy and meditation until 11.45am no charge)
Thursday 6th January, 12noon-1.15pm, Fire College, Moreton in Marsh, GL56 0RH
Monday 10th January, 7.30pm-8.45pm, Oddington Village Hall, GL56 0UZ
Wednesday morning class, also online, is suitable for teachers in training to beginners. All other classes are easy yoga. All classes end with relaxation and meditation (eye bags and blankets supplied if needed)
Please wear a mask to enter the building and observe social distancing.
Ruth White and special guest Narain Ishaya at Beaconsfield Hall, OX7 6BQ
Yoga & Philosophy Weekend
Friday 4th – Sunday 6th March 2022
You don’t have to be “good” at postures to come.
There will be an easy, partially seated yoga class in the small hall.
It’s about where your attention is and being open to new ideas.
Ruth endeavours to adapt postures to meet the everchanging needs of her students.
Narain Ishaya has been sharing his wisdom with us on yoga retreats for the last 21 years
In Lesbos, Mexico, Spain and mostly in Britain.
In his talks Narain will be sharing the truths that lie beyond the physical aspect.
For more information click here
To book please call 01608 651189 or email
A full refund is given if you are prevented from coming by Covid restrictions
Fees for the weekend: £176 for the weekend including lunch on Saturday and Sunday
Friday’s talk no charge.
Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of £88 for those coming for the weekend and £44 for those coming for the day is required to secure your place. The balance of your fee will be due by 4th February 2022. We need to observe social spacing so numbers are limited, to secure your place please send your deposit. Bookings are first come first served so please let us know to avoid disappointment.
If you wish to stay locally, please let me know and we can send you a recommended list of local b&b’s (single £60pn, double £40pppn) or there is The Wychwood Inn which is conveniently placed opposite the Beaconsfield Hall, when calling them please mention you are part of the yoga weekend.
The food is excellent and served here from 6pm, please book in advance for Friday.