Newsletter - July 2020
Dear One,
Your practice does not have to be a workout. See what you need to practice to bring you back to a state of balance and harmony.
When the weather is hot I suggest forward bends; standing, sitting or inverted they are all cooling and recuperative postures
T.T’s Please Practice
In Halasana
You could rest your thighs on a stool which takes the weight off the back and relieves lumbar ache and general fatigue.
Adho Mukha Svanasana – See page 110 in Light on Yoga
Homework Reading
First year students please read and digest the first of Patanjali sutras from “Enlightment”
Second year students could you start the second pada/book in “Enlightment”.
How are you getting on with the Gita?
We are just as we should be
When teaching, standing in front of you, I feel your open and receptive presence. In the stillness of mind we become aware and it is then that knowledge can flow; this clear communication is synonymous with love, it is then that we experience the oneness between students and teacher.
Love is to join. Knowledge is to tell.
Depression is when you forget that you are just as you should be and you allow worries and fear-thoughts to dominate. There is no joy in depression, you have chosen to think about problems and illness (which makes them real for you) so we need help to come back into the present. I have found the discipline of a yoga practice works for me. When you give all your attention to the present whether asanya, mantra or breath, you come back into the Now where judgements and depression thoughts will fade and joy comes back.
Have you noticed how when you relax in savasana joy and happiness whelm in, when you feel at one peace and joy come back because this is your natural state. Joy is always there just sometimes it becomes covered up.
Teachers, your first commitment when you decided to become a teacher was to practice everyday.
Yoga practice assists the body to eliminate toxins. There are many times in the year when you eliminate strongly; Full moon is one. (Asanya Vinyasa Yogis stop their practice for the 3 days around full moon). Other times are the two equinoxs 21st March and 21st September and the two solstices 21st June & 21st December.
I am telling you this because you may have been feeling different or under par around 21st June as your body, if strong enough, has a chance to throw out waste products. At this time you could feel tired, achy, allergies worsen or develop spots and rashes. For me, the solstice came earlier on 17th June and my attitude changed to things that had been quite fine before, were certainly not fine then! Our bodies react in different ways – so nothing to worry about.
Extend savasana and drink plenty of spring water.
I am delighted to say that Warwick Hall (St John the Baptist, Church Green, Burford, OX18 4RY) is opening up again, so we will be back there on Monday 6th July 7.30pm and not outside at Asthall Manor. Unfortunately, Beaconsfield Hall is not open yet so our Wednesday 9.45am classes, starting on 8th July, will also be at Warwick Hall. On 15th July, a long day extending the class until 3pm, teachers and trainee teachers please come.
Monday and Wednesday classes will continue for 4 weeks, £40 for 4 weeks or £15 for a single class.
Next term starts week beginning 7th September.
Breath well
Love Ruth