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Newsletter - August 2019

Dear Friends

I was delighted that so many of you are interested in stepping up your yoga and are interested in the course we are offering.

These 7 days will run parallel to the usual programme. In addition to the asana practice we will take the pranayama meditation and philosophy further. Exposing the fascinating yet devious way the ego mind works, and how mind and body can work together to release stored fears.

If you are interested, please ask me to send further details.

Forthcoming events:

Park Place (please note a great improvement in the cuisine this time – we promise!)

Thursday 24th – Monday 28th October 2019

Hawkwood (booking through Hawkwood Yoga Retreat with Ruth White at Hawkwood)

Friday 29th November - Sunday 1st December

Beaconsfield Hall

7th-8th March 2020

Lesbos (4 day, 1 week or 2 week options available)

16th – 30th May 2020

All levels of proficiency are welcome. Let us know your intended time of arrival and departure please. You can be a “day” attendee at these residentials, please see for further details and residentials.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen some of you, I would love to know how you are.

May the love of the present moment be with you


Ruth White

Rest Harrow

Evenlode Road


Gloucestershire GL56 0NJ

01608 651 189

07587 140 032

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