Newsletter November 2017
There are some wonderful retreats coming up next year.
3 February 2018 - A day of Yoga at Beaconsfield Hall – an ideal space for yoga day, quiet, light, spacious and warm.
A health food lunch is provided.
Get-together offered at 4.00 pm for Teachers and Trainee Teachers.
There is plenty of parking on the forecourt.
10-11 March 2018 – Two days of Yoga at Beaconsfield Hall – Distant students are welcome to stay the night or nights with us.
9-16 June 2018 – Yoga in the Greek Island of Lesbos – come and join us for an early summer in the Greek island of Lesbos. All the rooms at the Sunrise Hotel have panoramic views from their balconies. Below the hotel, on the beach are the hot pools should you feel at all stiff.
28 July 2018 – a day of Yoga at Hawkwood - Hawkwood College is set in 42 acres of beautiful gardens, woods and fields, and has panoramic views over the Stroud Valley, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They grow their own veg and fruit and have their own spring water. The biodynamic food is scrumptious. After the success of last year’s visit we wanted to visit again.
27-31 October 2018 – Yoga at Park Place - Park Place Pastoral Centre is an attractive Georgian house in 18 acres of wooded grounds. It is run by Franciscan sisters who are most welcoming and sympathetic to groups like ours. It has a good atmosphere of peace and tranquillity
Please, teachers, let me know when you have all the requisites for your 6th Module assessments and are ready to take it. I do need to know in advance.
Who needs to take their CPR first aid course? We could hold a course at Park Place in October.
Philosophy talks are on-going at residentials and greatly enhanced by Narain Ishaya’s presence on the March weekend.
Anatomy and Physiology talks will be held on the Tuesday at Park Place with Gary Carter and Sam (the skeleton).
How to teach yoga in pregnancy and to the fuller figure including the muscular and muscle-bound statuesque folks. The use of props and how to compromise the postures to suit the ever-changing needs of our students.
Every posture is holistic as every part of your body is included in every posture. We all have peculiarities and have different needs to attend to. We are all holding back more supple and weak areas and working into stiff areas, or in other words we work on our weak links. On the longer residentials we will work on establishing a personal practice for you to take home. This practice will need tweaking after a while as your weak links strengthen
It’s a good time to purchase your flight tickets to the Greek island of Lesbos. John and I have booked ours – Thomas Cook Airlines MT1812, Saturday 9th June 2018. The hotel will meet us at the airport. You are most welcome to bring non-yogic friends. (They are welcome to come to talks and content - they may turn in to yogis by the end of the week). The island is full of interest; birds, tortoises, tropical fish (especially where the hot pool flows into the sea), flora and fauna and the lie of the land, fishing trips and ancient monuments. The wild flowers are in full bloom then.
There are some mats and back arches there but please bring your own if possible.
How do we create our own world? As I have mentioned before in Sanskrit asana can be translated as attitude. When practising see if you can catch the flavour of the positive / your attitude. As you practice are your feelings and mood changing? It is particularly helpful to see how your relationships with others are. The ‘others’ or the situation may not have changed at all but the way that you see the world does. If your thinking and feelings change, then so does your world.
Keep your practice going over the holiday, practising with others or to a recording can be a helpful discipline. This is particularly important when your mind becomes busy! 3 or 4 standing postures can keep your feet on the ground.
Have peace and joy now and through this Christmas time.