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Ruth White Yoga Teaching

The Teaching Centre has been running for 25 years. It is based on Advaita, which means non duality, and heeds Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga including pranayama and meditation.


Through the practice of asanas or postures, we bring back our natural state of balance and harmony. By working in a quiet and attentive way, keeping full attention on the asana we are in, the mind has a chance to fall quiet. This way of working allows us to come back into the present moment, and not to dwell on the past or future. Working in the present moment helps to bring mind, body and breath into synchronization.

Students comment on how much more relaxed they feel. All abilities and methods are welcome to work with us in yoga. The teaching aims to take the student past the usual point where they would stop, i.e. past their usual limitations. Teachers adjust the postures to meet the ever changing needs of the students. The classes are caring and the teachers precise and quiet.


Ruth White

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